Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Cara Mudah Root Galaxy Young

Untuk proses rooting, anda harus mendownload terlebih dahulu file yang dibutuhkan disini. Dan kemudian simak cara root android galaxy young di bawah ini :

  1. Ekstrak file yang bernama rootyoung terlebih dahulu file yang sudah anda download pada komputer menggunakan WinRar.
  2. Setelah itu masukkan file yang bernama ke dalam sd card menggunakan kabel data USB yang anda miliki.
  3. Jika sudah, matikan handphone anda dan masuk ke recovery mode dengan menekan tombol volume up, home, dan power secara bersamaan. Tahan selama beberapa detik sampai masuk ke recovery anda.
  4. Pilih update from sdcard, dan kemudian pilih yang sudah anda masukkan tadi.
  5. Tunggu sampai proses instalasi selesai dan reboot.
  6. Selesai.
Mudah bukan, sekarang samsung galaxy young anda sudah ada super user nya. Silahkan gunakan sepuasnya samsung galaxy young anda.

Merawat Sepeda Motor Agar Awet dan Nyaman di Kendarai

Sudah lama saya tidak posting, kali ini saya akan posting mengenai " Merawat Sepeda Motor Agar Awet dan Nyaman di Kendarai ". Banyak orang disana yang masih malas untuk merawat motornya yang selalu menyusahkan dan lain sebagainya. Padahal, yang bikin susah adalah kita sendiri yang malas untuk merawat motor kita.
Saya akan menuturkan sedikit agar motor awet dan nyaman untuk dikendarai..., check this out.,

Untuk sepeda motor Baru ataupun Bekas sama ja., hehehe.,
  1. Sebelum memakai motor, Panasi dulu mesin motor kita. Karena, satu agar oli naik dan menyebar kemesin dan aki/accu terisi listrik. Seperti hal nya kita pemanasan dulu sebelum berolahraga. Dua, Agar Mesin dan Aki/accu kita awet.
  2. Service dan Ganti Oli, kegiatan itu bisa kita lakukan 2 bulan sekali untuk service dan 2500-3000 km untuk ganti Oli. Saat Masuk Bengkel, jangan lupa untuk mengecek kampas Rem depan maupun belakang. Karena, jika sampai kehabisan bisa cepat merusak tromol atau cakram motor kita dan jangan lupa untuk menyuruh montir menyetel rantai sepeda motor kita.
  3. Cuci lah sepeda motor anda sesering mungkin, bagi yang melewati air laut. Karena sepeda motor paling nyaman ya saat motor kita terlihat bersih.
  4. Yang terakhir jangan pelit mengeluarkan uang untuk memperbaiki sepeda motor kita. Karena, tanpa sepeda motor aktivitas kita akan terhambat.
Sekian info yang bisa saya sampaikan untuk anda sekalian. Selamat beraktivitas ria., hehehe.,
Jangan lupa baca artikel yang lainnya juga ya.., Terimakasih..,

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Cara Jitu Membobol Hotspot Wifi Masuk Tanpa Login

Jika ditempat sobat ada koneksi jaringan wifi bisa konek, namun di pasang password.
Yang Kamu perlukan dalam melakukan tips ini adalah:

  • Seperangkat laptop
  • software netcut 3.0 ( jangan dipake buat cut jaringan orang ya,serius nih!)
  • software WinpCap
Langsung aja dech tutornya kalo ingin tahu dari pada ribet nantinya nich sob :

1. Cari tempat aman lalu nyalakan laptopnya, Selanjutnya install  netcut  dan winpcap (gratis).
2. koneksikan laptop  ke jaringan  hotspotnya
3. jika sudah terhubung dan dalam keadaan belum login ( karna ga tau atau ga punya user/passnya),lalu jalankan netcut .
4. Pada netcut  ,Pilih menu Choice NetCard  untuk mengetahui LAN Card  yang kamu pake.
5. Kembali ke menu utama, pilih network orang lain
( jangan pilih network kamu sendiri ataupun network server)

6. Pindah dan copy IP address dan MAC address dengan klik print table dan copy ke notepad.
7. Paste di notepad,dan edit nilai MAC address yang sudah didapet,
Pada contoh ini [00:26:5E:60:81:1C].
Hilangin tanda [:] sehingga nilai tampe jadi tersebut jadi 00265E60811C.
8. Sebelum mulai, disable dulu wireless LAN kamu. Buka properties wireless LAN dan ubah nilai Local Administration MAC Network, default kosong. Isikan dengan nilai tadi, misalnya 00265E60811C.
9. Set IP wireless LAN dengan IP yang sama yaitu dan isi juga DNS server address.
10.sudah ? cek lagi langkah 7 -9, apakah sudah benar ?
11. Jika sudah enable kembali wireless LAN kamu,sekarang kamu bisa connect tanpa menu login.

Cara untuk mengetahui DNS server address bisa dicek sebelum kita merubah MAC dan IP. Jadi waktu pertama kali kita terhubung ke hotspot, dengan cara mengetik perintah dari CMD  C:\>ipconfig/all

New Mobile 5 OS Android and iOS Ready to Shake

Currently, the industry is still dominated smartphone devices using the Android and iOS operating systems. However it is not possible, their power would be shaken by a row of new mobile OS that is ready to show off.
Yes, recently, several new mobile OS has been introduced. Bearing the features and operation of different ways compared to Android and iOS, the OS feels row holds the potential for success.

1. BlackBerry 10
Handset operating system BlackBerry 10 set released by Research in Motion (RIM) in late January 2013. Intended to restore the prestige of the BlackBerry, is certainly BB10 has various excellent features.
QNX-based OS that has been used as the operating system of the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet PC. Operations conducted by phone or swipe swipe system that does not require physical buttons. BlackBerry 10 was crammed with a variety of features that quite interesting.
For example, the BlackBerry Hub will accommodate all messages, notifications, or calendar and can be accessed easily. In the sector of the camera, there is a feature that works like a time machine. If the photo was taken is not as expected, this feature seemed to be able to repeat the moment so that the user can rewind the number of frames to find a better photo.
RIM claims BlackBerry 10 even designed to not have a hang or crash when operated. And while its release later, this OS will be supported tens of thousands of apps on the BlackBerry World.
2. Tizen
Samsung is succeeding with a row of phones based on Android OS. But they are also quite keen to develop its own OS. After the presence of Bada OS is less so glowing, South Korean vendors are preparing to present this operating system called Tizen.
Tizen is a collaboration with Samsung processor giant Intel. Intel decided to develop Tizen as MeeGo OS they developed with Nokia stagnates in the middle of the road.
Tizen is based on open source like Android. In addition to smartphones, the new platform will also intentions toward tablet computers, Smart TV to entertainment systems in vehicles.
Reportedly, Samsung will release a Tizen phone the first time in 2013 as an alternative to Android. According to plans, the first edition of Tizen phones will be sold in Japan via DoCoMo operator.
3. Sailfish
A number of former Nokia employee is not satisfied because the Finnish company that left the MeeGo OS and choose Windows Phone. They took the initiative to set up his own company called Jolla to continue the development of MeeGo.
Jolla has introduced a new OS called Sailfish which is a modification of MeeGo. Similar operation is similar to MeeGo, which is a system of swipe or slide.
Jolla expressed, Sailfish will be compatible with some Android apps. Mobile inaugural Sailfish plan will be formally introduced in the first quarter of 2013.
In addition to smartphones, Sailfish developed for tablet PCs. And also a variety of other devices such as computers, televisions and gadgets in vehicles.
4. Ubuntu
Beginning in 2013, the Canonical-the company behind the Ubuntu distribution-formally introduce the Ubuntu operating system for smartphones. Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth, directly demonstrating this operating system at its headquarters in London, England.
Mark claims that Ubuntu has a friendlier interface than the entire current mobile operating systems. Through a video he showed off the user easy access to favorite applications, search for files, navigate, until the notification system which is simple yet informative.
Problem wealth of applications, Ubuntu also believe that their application store called the Ubuntu Software Centre is able to meet the needs of its users. Application is very important to increase the potential success of an OS.
Ubuntu for smartphones it has officially blown. However, phones that use the new operating system is expected in late 2013 or early 2014.
5. Firefox OS
Mozilla does not want to miss developing a new mobile operating system called Firefox OS. With the support of several large telecommunications companies, Firefox OS claimed superiority will challenge Android and iOS on the iPhone.
Mozilla says, operators such as Deutsche Telekom, Sprint, Smart, Telecom Italia, Telenor and Etisalat, have expressed support for the Firefox OS. Phone vendors ZTE and TCL also plans to release a mobile Firefox OS with Qualcomm Snapdragon processor in early 2013's.
Support from operators and handset vendors rated as crucial for the new smartphone OS. Therefore, they will challenge Android and iOS currently dominates. Not to mention other OS with a smaller market share is still widely used.
Chief Executive Gary Kovacs Mozilla Corp., believes Firefox OS still has a chance in the crowded mobile OS market. Moreover, the platform is provided free of charge, based on open web standards and applications developed with HTML5 technology.
Firefox Mobile debut this OS will be released in early 2013 via operator Telefonica Brazil.

Linux can be Installed on Apple iPad thanks to Hacker

what if your iPad could run Linux. Some developers have managed to make this open source operating system can run on the iPad hardware by Apple A4 processor that also used other iOS devices, which means that in addition to the iPad will be able to run well on the iPhone 4, and iPod Touch 4th generation.

They do not explain how they managed to do it, but they plan to reveal more details in the future. While it may be one or two more years before Apple made ​​iOS device today to become outdated with the latest version of their operating system, you can utilize your Apple device by installing Linux.

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Ubuntu Linux-Based Smartphone Ready to Present October 2013

San Francisco - software based on Linux, Ubuntu, has been popular as the desktop operating system. Now Ubuntu is ready to operate in the smartphone device.

Reported the Wall Street Journal, the smartphone-based operating system (OS) Ubuntu is rumored to be available to consumers starting in October this year. Previously, Canonical as the producer, has introduced the Ubuntu OS for smartphones earlier this year.

Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth said that Ubuntu-based phone will first be launched in October 2013 in two areas that are not specifically mentioned the possibility of a great American as one of the main markets targeted.

If that were sold in October 2013, meaning that handset sales will be faster than previously planned. Originally Canonical says Ubuntu-based smartphones will come on the market in 2014.

The sophistication of this new mobile operating system is a feature that is actually almost exactly like the desktop version of Ubuntu. So when users plug the phone to the monitor with a keyboard and mouse so he can run and operate applications such as LibreOffice Ubuntu.

According to Shuttleworth, Ubuntu OS version of this smartphone uses a driver and kernel of Android, so it can easily be mounted on a variety of smartphones running Android, both old and new versions.

It also means that device manufacturers do not require changes to their software to support this new operating system.

Ubuntu mobile operating system targeted for all the smartphone category, ranging from low-end smartphone category to high end.

Can this new operating system to compete with Android and iOS? For the record, Windows Phone operating system from Microsoft that has a wide network was still not able to compete with the power of Android and iOS in the global smartphone market.
